Housing Fairness

Dr Amy MacMahon, Greens Member for South Brisbane raised a question in the house at our request. The following is a transcript from the Hansard Reporting for the Queensland State Government.

My question is for the Minister for Communities and Housing, Minister for Digital Economy and Minister for the Arts. What are the government’s plans to ensure housing fairness for people living in manufactured homes, including a prohibition on the market review of site rent as a basis for increasing rent?

I thank the member for that really important question. I am happy to provide the member with more information in a briefing outside of the chamber. A large body of work has been happening with regards to reviewing manufactured homes parks. That has been going on for quite some time. I acknowledge, in particular, the panel that was put together to do that review. Some incredibly dedicated people have helped us by putting forward ideas about where we go to next. Certainly there is a body of work happening and there will be some announcements around that very soon.

I have been listening very carefully to a number of members, particularly from this side of the House, who have a large number of manufactured homes parks in their electorates. In fact, I recently met with the member for Waterford, the member for Bancroft and the member for Logan and I have had conversations with the member for Lytton and others about this matter. I have had some long conversations with the member for Pumicestone also.

This is a very important topic. A body of work is happening and certainly some announcements will be happening soon. I am happy to provide a further briefing directly to the member for South Brisbane with regards to this matter.
