Accused of coercing pensioners

American owners of lifestyle resorts across Queensland are under fire, accused of coercing pensioners into accepting increased rents. Hometown Australia bought the manufactured lifestyle villages across South East Queensland two years ago.

Since then residents claim they’ve seen facilities and staff stripped, while rents continue to rise.

Carol Fitzpatrick, who lives at Ironbark Aspley, was sent a so-called “goodwill offer” putting her rent up from $324 a fortnight to $370.

“If I was good girl and didn’t complain about it and just signed up to it, I could go up to $350 a fortnight, so I would be saving $20,” Ms Fitzpatrick told 9News.

Ms Fitzpatrick refused to sign the letter and is now paying the full $370 a week, while she disputes her rental increase with Hometown.

“An extra $1200 a year that I had to find from my pension,” she said.

Raising the rent annually is legal under the Manufactured Homes Act — once a year in line with CPI, and every three years under a market rent review.

But owners can take up a goodwill offer, a discounted increase, as long as they don’t dispute the rent rise.

Another Ironbark Aspley resident, Brad Goodwin, saw his rent rise by $39 to $370 a fortnight.

“I found that it was excessive given that we’re on a construction site, and the reduction of services that we’ve received since Hometown took over from Gateway,” Mr Goodwin said.

“I was quite appalled by it, and didn’t really want to sign. I felt the letter itself was coercive, intimidating and threatening.”

Lawyer and former Queensland Law Society president Bill Potts agrees.

“What we’re seeing is coercive behaviour,” he said.

“The coercive power of raising rents in this particular case is causing a significant injustice well above the Consumer Price Index and well above their capacity to pay.”

Hometown Australia says their goodwill offer “does not undermine or remove home owner’s rights” to dispute the increase.

But 55 residents at Aspley disagree, and intend to take Hometown to the Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal over it if the parties can’t come to an agreement.

“The goodwill offer seems only to benefit the people asking for the money,” says Mr Potts.

At Red Gum Coombabah, another Hometown Australia village, 104 residents have taken Hometown Australia to the tribunal over the rental increases, claiming they’re excessive and unjustified.

Beryl Knapp saw her rent rise by $60 a fortnight.

“I didn’t sign the form because I was so disgusted,” she said.

Residents there claim facilities aren’t being maintained.

“The bowls green is inoperative,” resident Richard Homans told 9News.

“Twelve months without a major facility and we’re still paying for it, no reduction in site rent.”

Other residents like Fred Maddren claim staff have been slashed.

“We used to have two and a half gardeners, now we have one. And he hasn’t got a hope of keeping up with everything,” Mr Maddren said.

Hometown disputes this, saying they’ve spent about $500,000 on improvements to the park and that staff have increased at Coombabah and Aspley.

Residents at Ironbark Aspley also claim Hometown management isn’t fulfilling its operational responsibilities, after a community bus owned by Hometown but driven by volunteers to get residents around was left unregistered and uninsured for more than 90 days.

“They were driving around on that bus for three months without any registration on it, until they were pulled up by a police officer,” Carol Fitzpatrick said.

“When we spoke to the manager, he told us it was none of our business and that it had just fallen through the cracks.”

Some residents are so angered by the rental increases they’ve refused to pay the extra charges by cancelling their direct debit.

They’re risking eviction while they wait for the rent dispute to be fought out in the tribunal.

The Department of Housing has told residents the goodwill offer “does not amount to coercion” but that “it is an inducement”.

In a statement to 9News, Hometown Australia managing director Stuart Strong said: “The goodwill offers give the home owner and the park owner an opportunity to reach a fairer outcome.

“That the lower amount was offered to the home owner as an alternative to a potential lengthy legal process and is a well-balanced approach to the issue.”

Full statement from Hometown Australia managing director Stuart Strong:

The market rent review process is undertaken based on evidence of an expert valuer’s assessment of the facilities, services, and amenity of the community. The expert valuer as part of their report is tasked with specifically considering amongst other things, whether services have been cut or the facilities have not been maintained.

In the case of these two communities the park owner did not enforce its right to increase the site rent at the higher amount as stated in their respective valuation reports. The lower amount was offered to the home owner as an alternative to a potential lengthy legal process and is a well-balanced approach to the issue.

The goodwill offers give the home owner and the park owner an opportunity to reach a fairer outcome. We have been clear in our communications with home owners that they are not obliged to accept the offer and it is entirely open to them to dispute the increase. Some home owners have opted to do this, however, at both communities a significant majority of home owners have accepted our goodwill offer. At Aspley, the home owners have not applied to QCAT for intervention to date.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, Hometown Australia have been able to maintain the same level of staff at all its communities. There have been some personnel changes at Coombabah and Aspley and the staffing levels have in fact increased in 2020.

In addition to typical increases in operating costs, in the last 2 years at Coombabah, we have spent approximately half a million dollars on improvements to the park including:

– $45,000 for a refurbished craft cottage

– $49,000 for an upgrade of the community hall bathrooms

– $24,000 on the swimming pool plant room and pumps

– $306,000 on a full upgrade of reticulated water pipes

– $130,000 on a full upgrade of the bowling green at the home owners’ request (the bowling green was not out of service and has remained useable by home owners except for when the surface was being replaced over a 2-week period)

– $2,000 for the resurfacing of the tennis court

Despite all the works undertaken in 2019, we did not increase the site rent at Coombabah that year.

It is important to consider that Aspley is a developing park which has transitioned from a transient caravan park to a dedicated residential park with contemporary facilities that were added by the operator in 2017. In 2019 we undertook various beautification works and we will continue to do so into the future.

All maintenance issues are attended to by our grounds staff and all maintenance requests are actioned on a timely basis. We generally assess the need to carry out significant maintenance projects as part of our plan of works across our portfolio.

With respect to a vehicle being out of registration, this was in fact an administrative error and was corrected by Hometown Australia management immediately. No loss was incurred by any home owner. We have an up to date policy related to all home owners vehicular use at our communities.

Hometown Australia Communities is a proud Australian company that is committed to working with its home owners as well as the regulator on any concerns these important stakeholders may have.